Informations about the album The Night Visitor by Anna Ternheim
Anna Ternheim finally released Tuesday 30 November 2010 his new music album, entitled The Night Visitor.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: For the Young / A Space For Lost Time / Separation Road / Somebody Outside.
The list of 12 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Anna Ternheim may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- The Longer the Waiting
- What Remains?
- Come To Bed
- God Don't Know
- Black Light Shines
- Bow Your Head
- Lorelie-Marie
- Walking Aimlessly
- Solitary Move
- All Shadows
- Ghost of a Man
- Dearest Dear
If you are fan of Anna Ternheim you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
- 2019/10/25 19:30 - Göteborgs Konserthus - Göteborg ( Svezia)
- 2019/10/27 19:30 - Oslo Konserthus - Oslo ( Norvegia)
- 2019/10/28 19:30 - Cirkus - Stockholm ( Svezia)
- 2019/10/31 20:00 - Kesselhaus - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2019/11/01 20:00 - Felsenkeller - Leipzig ( Germania)
- 2019/11/02 20:00 - Scheune - Dresden ( Germania)
- 2019/11/04 20:00 - E-Werk - Erlangen ( Germania)
- 2019/11/06 20:00 - Technikum - München ( Germania)
- 2019/11/11 20:00 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 2019/11/14 20:00 - Gloria Theater - Cologne ( Germania)
- 2019/11/24 19:30 - 013 - Tilburg ( Paesi Bassi)
- 2019/11/25 20:00 - Schlachthof - Bremen ( Germania)
- 2019/11/26 20:00 - Gruenspan - Hamburg ( Germania)