Informations about the album Wild World by Kip Moore
Friday 29 May 2020 is the date of the release of Kip Moore new album, entitled Wild World.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Room to Spare: The Acoustic Sessions – EP / Slowheart / Up All Night / Wild Ones (Deluxe) / Wild World (Deluxe).
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Kip Moore. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Wild World
- She's Mine
- Payin' Hard
- Southpaw
- Grow On You
- Hey Old Lover
- More Than Enough
- Red White Blue Jean American Dream
- Fire and Flame
- Sweet Virginia
- Janie Blu
- South
- Crazy for You Tonight
Some lyrics and translations of Kip Moore
- Last ShotKip Moore
- Don’t Go ChangingKip Moore
- Just Another GirlKip Moore
- I’ve Been AroundKip Moore
- Guitar ManKip Moore
- Comeback KidKip Moore
- Mary Was The Marrying KindKip Moore
- More Girls Like YouKip Moore
- It Ain't CaliforniaKip Moore
- Wild WorldKip Moore
- She's MineKip Moore
- The BullKip Moore