Informations about the album The Book of Souls by Iron Maiden
Friday 4 September 2015 is the date of the release of Iron Maiden new album, entitled The Book of Souls.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son / Powerslave / Fear of the Dark / A Matter of Life and Death / The Number of the Beast / Virtual XI / Piece of Mind / Somewhere in Time / Killers / Rock in Rio / Brave New World.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Iron Maiden that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Empire of the Clouds
- Speed of Light
- Death or Glory
- If Eternity Should Fail
- The Book of Souls
- The Red and the Black
- Tears of a Clown
- When the River Runs Deep
- The Great Unknown
- Shadows of the Valley
- The Man of Sorrows
If you don't want to miss the live Iron Maiden concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Iron Maiden
- Brave New WorldIron Maiden
- Where Eagles DareIron Maiden
- RevelationsIron Maiden
- Intro - Live ’01Iron Maiden
- WrathchildIron Maiden
- Chains Of MiseryIron Maiden
- Infinite DreamsIron Maiden
- The Longest DayIron Maiden
- Empire Of The CloudsIron Maiden
- Run To The HillsIron Maiden
- Wasted YearsIron Maiden
- Flight Of IcarusIron Maiden
- The TrooperIron Maiden
- The Number Of The BeastIron Maiden
- The ClansmanIron Maiden
- Hallowed Be Thy NameIron Maiden
- For The Greater Good Of GodIron Maiden
- Wasting LoveIron Maiden
- 2 Minutes To MidnightIron Maiden
- Aces HighIron Maiden