Informations about the album State of Emergency by Lil Tjay
We are going to show you the latest album by Lil Tjay entitled State of Emergency. The album has been released on Friday 8 May 2020.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like True 2 Myself / Destined 2 Win.
This is the list of 10 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Lil Tjay that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Zoo York
- My City
- Ice Cold
- Shoot For the Stars
- City on My Back
- Gettin Lit by Lil Tjay & Jay Gwuapo
- Gettin Lit
- Wet Em Up Pt. 2 by Lil Tjay, Sheff G & Sleepy Hallow
- City on My Back by Lil Tjay & Jay Critch
- My City by Lil Tjay & J.I.
Some lyrics and translations of Lil Tjay
- Nuf SaidLil Tjay
- Life ChangedLil Tjay
- No CapLil Tjay
- Slow DownLil Tjay
- Part Of The PlanLil Tjay
- Go CrazyLil Tjay
- Gang GangLil Tjay
- Destined 2 WinLil Tjay
- Oh WellLil Tjay
- Love HurtsLil Tjay
- Irregular LoveLil Tjay
- Hood RichLil Tjay
- What You Wanna DoLil Tjay
- Run It UpLil Tjay
- Born 2 Be GreatLil Tjay
- HeadshotLil Tjay
- None Of Your LoveLil Tjay
- Move OnLil Tjay
- LossesLil Tjay
- TraumatizeLil Tjay