Informations about the album Spirits by Childish Gambino
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Childish Gambino new album, entitled Spirits.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Sick Boi / Because the Internet / Culdesac / Donald Glover Presents / Guava Island / 03.15.20 / Camp / STN MTN / Kauai / Mystery Team / I AM JUST A RAPPER 2.
The list of 3 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Childish Gambino. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Human Sacrifice
- Atavista
- All Night
Some lyrics and translations of Childish Gambino
- DifferentChildish Gambino
- The StandChildish Gambino
- Ii. Earth: The Oldest ComputerChildish Gambino
- Ii. Zealots Of Stockholm [free Information]Childish Gambino
- I. CrawlChildish Gambino
- SoberChildish Gambino
- Iii. Telegraph Ave.Childish Gambino
- Iii. Life: The Biggest Troll [andrew Auernheimer]Childish Gambino
- HeartbeatChildish Gambino
- BonfireChildish Gambino
- 42.26 [remix]Childish Gambino
- Feels Like SummerChildish Gambino
- 0.00Childish Gambino
- 39.28Childish Gambino
- 47.48Childish Gambino
- 32.22Childish Gambino
- 53.49Childish Gambino
- 35.31Childish Gambino
- 19.10Childish Gambino
- 12.38Childish Gambino