Informations about the album Song Machine by Gorillaz
Thursday 30 January 2020 is the date of the release of Gorillaz new album, entitled Song Machine.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Demon Days / Song Machine: Season 1 / Plastic Beach / Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez / Humanz (Deluxe).
This is the list of 7 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Gorillaz may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Song Machine Theme Tune
- Momentary Bliss
- Untitled Collab
- Song Machine: Machine Bitez #1
- Untitled Collaboration
- Machine Bitez #2
- Machine Bitez #3
Some lyrics and translations of Gorillaz
- Out Of BodyGorillaz
- StyloGorillaz
- To BingeGorillaz
- The Lost ChordGorillaz
- SimplicityGorillaz
- The Valley Of The PagansGorillaz
- The Pink PhantomGorillaz
- On Melancholy HillGorillaz
- Strange TimezGorillaz
- Pac-manGorillaz
- Friday 13thGorillaz
- How Far?Gorillaz
- AriesGorillaz
- DareGorillaz
- DésoléGorillaz
- Feel Good Inc.Gorillaz
- Clint EastwoodGorillaz
- TranzGorillaz
- HollywoodGorillaz
- Fire FliesGorillaz