Informations about the album Shu-bi-dua 3 by Shu-bi-dua
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Shu-bi-dua new album, entitled Shu-bi-dua 3.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Shu-bi-dua 7 / 78'eren / Shu-bi-dua 4 / Shu-bi-dua 10 / Shu-bi-dua 6 / Shu-bi-dua 13 / Shu-bi-dua / Shu-bi-dua 8 / Da Mor Var Dreng / Shu-bi-dua 2 / Shu-bi-dua 9 / Shu-bi-dua 14.
This is the list of 15 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Shu-bi-dua. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Hvalborg
- Damgaard
- Nam Nam
- Intet Nyt Fra Vestfronten
- Snadsken
- Rebild
- Fluer I Kødbyen
- Hvalborg (live)
- Sand-Hans
- Krudt Og Klunker
- De Tre Små Grise
- Tryk På
- Bageren Og Servitricen
- Nam Nam (live)
- Knald I Låget
Some lyrics and translations of Shu-bi-dua
- Dentures In The AirShu-bi-dua
- United SteaksShu-bi-dua
- KnudenShu-bi-dua
- Det Ville Glæde Min HatShu-bi-dua
- Sagnet Om Regnormen Kurt Og Arken I ParkenShu-bi-dua
- Først Til SidstShu-bi-dua
- SommergryderShu-bi-dua
- VuggevisenShu-bi-dua
- Rap JulShu-bi-dua
- Stærk TobakShu-bi-dua
- Familien Kom Til KaffeShu-bi-dua
- Danske SildShu-bi-dua
- McarineShu-bi-dua
- Basuner Og EngleShu-bi-dua
- Nappa Og NylonShu-bi-dua
- Ronald Og LeonidShu-bi-dua
- We Wanna Be FreeShu-bi-dua
- Costa KalundborgShu-bi-dua
- AskepotShu-bi-dua
- Fed RockShu-bi-dua