Informations about the album Showtime by Dizzee Rascal
We are going to show you the latest album by Dizzee Rascal entitled Showtime. The album has been released on Sunday 30 November 2003.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Don’t Gas Me - EP / Tongue n’ Cheek / Boy in da Corner / Maths + English / The Fifth / E3 AF.
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Dizzee Rascal may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Knock, Knock
- Stand Up Tall
- Respect Me
- Get By
- Girls
- Showtime
- Face
- Flyin'
- Fickle
- Everywhere
- Imagine
- Hype Talk
- Graftin'
- Dream
- Learn
Some lyrics and translations of Dizzee Rascal
- Maths + English [credits]Dizzee Rascal
- Da Feelin’Dizzee Rascal
- God KnowsDizzee Rascal
- I Don’t Need A ReasonDizzee Rascal
- U Can’t Tell Me Nuffin’Dizzee Rascal
- Don’t Be DumbDizzee Rascal
- BubblesDizzee Rascal
- Body LooseDizzee Rascal
- Act Like You KnowDizzee Rascal
- Heart Of A WarriorDizzee Rascal
- Excuse Me PleaseDizzee Rascal
- ParanoidDizzee Rascal
- Round We GoDizzee Rascal
- Dirtee Cash - Sub Focus RemixDizzee Rascal
- Bad BehaviourDizzee Rascal
- HolidayDizzee Rascal
- LeisureDizzee Rascal
- Money, MoneyDizzee Rascal
- Dirtee CashDizzee Rascal
- Chillin' Wiv Da Man DemDizzee Rascal