Informations about the album Shock’n Y’all by Toby Keith
We are going to show you the latest album by Toby Keith entitled Shock’n Y’all. The album has been released on Saturday 30 November 2002.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Mule (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Unleashed / American Ride / Honkytonk University / Bullets In The Gun / White Trash With Money / Hope On The Rocks / Big Dog Daddy / Toby Keith.
The list of 14 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Toby Keith may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- American Soldier
- Time for Me to Ride
- If I Was Jesus
- Whiskey Girl
- I Love This Bar
- Baddest Boots
- Don't Leave, I Think I Love You
- The Taliban Song (live)
- The Taliban Song
- Nights I Can't Remember, Friends I'll Never Forget
- The Critic
- Weed with Willie
- Sweet
- Weed With Willie (live)
Some lyrics and translations of Toby Keith
- Should’ve Been A CowboyToby Keith
- Wouldn’t Wanna Be YaToby Keith
- The Size I WearToby Keith
- I Like Girls That Drink BeerToby Keith
- Crash Here TonightToby Keith
- Bullets In The GunToby Keith
- American RideToby Keith
- Beer For My HorsesToby Keith
- Made In AmericaToby Keith
- Gypsy DriftinToby Keith
- As Good As I Once WasToby Keith
- Are You Feelin' Me?Toby Keith
- Courtesy Of The Red, White, And BlueToby Keith
- Don't Let The Old Man InToby Keith