Informations about the album Scoob! The Album by Lennon Stella
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Lennon Stella new album, entitled Scoob! The Album.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Love, me - EP / Three. Two. One..
This is the list of 12 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Lennon Stella may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Summer Feelings by Lennon Stella
- On Me by Thomas Rhett & Kane Brown
- I LIke It by Pink Sweat$
- Homies by Token
- Feel Alive by R3HAB
- Back Up Plan by Rare Americans
- Scooby Doo Theme Song by Best Coast
- I Fly by Galantis
- Yikes by Jack Harlow
- Tick Tick Boom by Sage The Gemini
- My Little Alien by Rico Nasty
- 25 Hours by Plested
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Lennon Stella:
- 0/02/2025 - Pumpehuset, Store Sal - København V (Danimarca)
- 0/02/2025 - Pumpehuset, Store Sal - København V (Danimarca)
- 1/02/2025 - Gruenspan - Hamburg (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Gruenspan - Hamburg (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Columbia Theater - Berlin (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Columbia Theater - Berlin (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Technikum - München (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Technikum - München (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Gibson - Frankfurt Am Main (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Gibson - Frankfurt Am Main (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Gloria Theater - Cologne (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Gloria Theater - Cologne (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - La Madeleine - Brussels (Belgio)
- 2/02/2025 - La Madeleine - Brussels (Belgio)
- 2/02/2025 - Melkweg - Amsterdam (Paesi Bassi)
Some lyrics and translations of Lennon Stella
- WeaknessLennon Stella
- Save UsLennon Stella
- Older Than I AmLennon Stella
- Fear Of Being AloneLennon Stella
- JealousLennon Stella
- Golf On TvLennon Stella
- Kissing Other PeopleLennon Stella
- FortressLennon Stella
- La Di DaLennon Stella
- FeelingsLennon Stella
- BitchLennon Stella
- BreakawayLennon Stella
- BadLennon Stella
- Like Everybody ElseLennon Stella