Informations about the album Retro Active by Def Leppard
We are going to show you the latest album by Def Leppard entitled Retro Active. The album has been released on Monday 30 November 1992.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Hysteria / Pyromania / Songs from the Sparkle Lounge / High ‘n’ Dry / Adrenalize / Euphoria.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Def Leppard. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Two Steps Behind
- Desert Song
- Two Steps Behind (electric version) / Miss You in a Heartbeat (unplugged)
- Two Steps Behind (electric version)
- Action
- Miss You in a Heartbeat (acoustic Version)
- Miss You in a Heartbeat
- She's Too Tough
- Only After Dark
- Fractured Love
- From the Inside
Some lyrics and translations of Def Leppard
- PhotographDef Leppard
- You Can’t Always Get What You WantDef Leppard
- I Wanna Be Your HeroDef Leppard
- Demolition ManDef Leppard
- Let’s Get RockedDef Leppard
- Run RiotDef Leppard
- Foolin’Def Leppard
- Lady StrangeDef Leppard
- AnimalDef Leppard
- Too Late For LoveDef Leppard
- C’mon C’monDef Leppard
- ElectedDef Leppard
- Die Hard The HunterDef Leppard
- Action! Not WordsDef Leppard
- StagefrightDef Leppard
- Pour Some Sugar On MeDef Leppard
- Love BitesDef Leppard
- HysteriaDef Leppard