Informations about the album Resist (Extended Deluxe) by Within Temptation

Friday 7 March 2025 is the date of the release of Within Temptation new album, entitled Resist (Extended Deluxe).
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Unforgiving / Hydra / The Purge [EP] / Mother Earth / Enter / The Heart of Everything.
The list of 24 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Within Temptation may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Mad World (Instrumental)
- Firelight (Single Edit)
- Firelight
- Mercy Mirror
- Trophy Hunter (Instrumental)
- Supernova (Single Edit)
- Mercy Mirror (Instrumental)
- The Reckoning (Instrumental)
- Raise Your Banner (Single Edit)
- Raise Your Banner (Instrumental)
- Endless War (Single Edit)
- Mad World
- Holy Ground
- Holy Ground (Instrumental)
- Supernova
- Trophy Hunter
- In Vain (Instrumental)
- Supernova (Instrumental)
- Mad World (Single Edit)
- Raise Your Banner
- Firelight (Instrumental)
- Endless War
- The Reckoning
- Endless War (Instrumental)