Informations about the album Reset by Moneybagg Yo
We are going to show you the latest album by Moneybagg Yo entitled Reset. The album has been released on Friday 2 November 2018.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Time Served / Bet On Me / Time Served (Deluxe) / Code Red / ELO (Everybody Lives On).
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Moneybagg Yo. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- In Her Voice
- Say Na
- Jungle
- Curry Jersey
- Tryna Do
- Lower Level
- Chanel Junkie
- Oh Fuck
- 7even
- Industry
- Midnight Patek
- They Madd
- Fall Down
Some lyrics and translations of Moneybagg Yo
- VibesMoneybagg Yo
- SrtMoneybagg Yo
- Brain DeadMoneybagg Yo
- Said SumMoneybagg Yo
- No ChillMoneybagg Yo
- Me Vs MeMoneybagg Yo
- In Her VoiceMoneybagg Yo
- No CuttMoneybagg Yo
- Pop My ShitMoneybagg Yo
- Spin On EmMoneybagg Yo
- Dem People FreestyleMoneybagg Yo
- Thug CryMoneybagg Yo
- BitchMoneybagg Yo
- Thinking Out LoudMoneybagg Yo
- Pistol By Da BedMoneybagg Yo
- Rush HourMoneybagg Yo
- Speak 4 EmMoneybagg Yo
- 1 2 3Moneybagg Yo
- Match My FlyMoneybagg Yo
- Real LuvMoneybagg Yo