Informations about the album Reflected: Greatest Hits Vol 2 by Tim Mcgraw
Tuesday 28 March 2006 is the date of the release of Tim Mcgraw new album, entitled Reflected: Greatest Hits Vol 2.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: TM18 / Tim McGraw And The Dancehall Doctors / Let It Go / Two Lanes of Freedom (Accelerated Deluxe) / Damn Country Music (Deluxe Edition) / Sundown Heaven Town / Mother’s Love: Mother’s Day Songs 2020 / Live Like You Were Dying / Here on Earth / Not a Moment Too Soon / McGraw Machine Hits: 2013-2019.
The album is composed by 10 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Tim Mcgraw that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- My Little Girl
- Beautiful People
- Like We Never Loved At All by Faith Hill
- Over and Over by Nelly
- Grown Men Don't Cry
- When the Stars Go Blue
- I've Got Friends That Do
- Everywhere
- The Cowboy In Me
- Not a Moment Too Soon
Some lyrics and translations of Tim Mcgraw
- Cuttin’ OnionsTim Mcgraw
- God Moves The PenTim Mcgraw
- Diamond Rings And Old BarstoolsTim Mcgraw
- Meanwhile Back At Mama’sTim Mcgraw
- Redneck GirlTim Mcgraw
- When You Have A Child by Reba McEntireTim Mcgraw
- Black JacketTim Mcgraw
- Shotgun RiderTim Mcgraw
- Here On EarthTim Mcgraw
- Don't Make Me Feel At HomeTim Mcgraw
- Live Like You Were DyingTim Mcgraw
- I Called MamaTim Mcgraw
- Truck YeahTim Mcgraw
- OverratedTim Mcgraw
- City LightsTim Mcgraw
- I Know How To Love You WellTim Mcgraw
- Humble And KindTim Mcgraw
- Nashville Without YouTim Mcgraw
- KristoffersonTim Mcgraw
- Last DollarTim Mcgraw