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Recuerdos - Juan Gabriel album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Recuerdos by Juan Gabriel

We are going to show you the latest album by Juan Gabriel entitled Recuerdos. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Abrázame muy fuerte / Recuerdos II.
The list of 10 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Juan Gabriel. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
  • Quiero Saber ¿Por que?
  • Dulces Momentos De Ayer
  • Yo No Nací Para Amar
  • Siempre Reza Por Mí
  • Nunca Lo Sabre, Nunca Lo Sabras
  • El Noa Noa
  • Lastimá Es Mi Mujer
  • Busca Un Amor
  • ¿por Qué Estás Enojada?
  • La Frontera

Some lyrics and translations of Juan Gabriel