Informations about the album Second Nature by Katherine Jenkins
We are going to show you the latest album by Katherine Jenkins entitled Second Nature. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Living a Dream / Guiding Light / Rejoice / Cinema Paradiso.
The album is composed by 8 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Katherine Jenkins. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- You'll Never Walk Alone
- Va Pensiero
- O Holy Night
- Vide Cor Meum
- Time To Say Goodbye
- En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
- House Of No Regrets
- Barcarolle
Some lyrics and translations of Katherine Jenkins
- The RoseKatherine Jenkins
- Shout In SilenceKatherine Jenkins
- Viva TonightKatherine Jenkins
- Morning Has BrokenKatherine Jenkins
- We'll Meet AgainKatherine Jenkins
- Torna A SurrientoKatherine Jenkins
- Over The RainbowKatherine Jenkins
- Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta VoixKatherine Jenkins
- All Things Bright And BeautifulKatherine Jenkins
- David Of The White RockKatherine Jenkins
- Amazing GraceKatherine Jenkins
- Cinema Paradiso / SeKatherine Jenkins
- Nessun DormaKatherine Jenkins
- Music Of The NightKatherine Jenkins
- Canto Della TerraKatherine Jenkins
- I Vow To Thee My CountryKatherine Jenkins
- L'amore Sei TuKatherine Jenkins
- Don't Cry For Me ArgentinaKatherine Jenkins