Informations about the album Pornography by The Cure
Sunday 4 April 1982 is the date of the release of The Cure new album, entitled Pornography.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Head on the Door / Mixed Up / Wish / Boys Don’t Cry / Disintegration / Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me / Seventeen Seconds / Japanese Whispers / Wild Mood Swings / Bloodflowers / 4:13 Dream / Join the Dots: B-Sides & Rarities (Disc 1: 1978-1987) / Join the Dots: B-Sides & Rarities (Disc 3: 1992-1996) / Three Imaginary Boys / Faith / Pornography (Deluxe Edition).
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by The Cure that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- One Hundred Years
- The Figurehead
- Cold
- Siamese Twins
- A Strange Day
- Pornography
- A Short Term Effect
- The Hanging Garden
Some lyrics and translations of The Cure
- Temptation TwoThe Cure
- LovesongThe Cure
- Subway SongThe Cure
- Fire In CairoThe Cure
- FightThe Cure
- PrimaryThe Cure
- Three Imaginary BoysThe Cure
- Purple HazeThe Cure
- Few Hours After This…The Cure
- The Only OneThe Cure
- Seventeen SecondsThe Cure
- Pictures Of YouThe Cure
- HighThe Cure
- Out Of This WorldThe Cure
- BloodflowersThe Cure
- ScrewThe Cure
- A Night Like ThisThe Cure
- Gone!The Cure
- CatchThe Cure
- Close To MeThe Cure