Informations about the album I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard
Monday 20 October 2014 is the date of the release of Ben Howard new album, entitled I Forget Where We Were.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Every Kingdom / Keep Your Head Up - EP / Every Kingdom (Deluxe) / Collections from the Whiteout.
The album is composed by 12 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Ben Howard. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- End of the Affair
- She Treats Me Well
- Small Things
- Rivers in Your Mouth
- Am I In Your Light?
- Evergreen
- Time Is Dancing
- All Is Now Harmed
- Am I In Your Light? (Vinyl Exclusive)
- Conrad
- In Dreams
- I Forget Where We Were
Some lyrics and translations of Ben Howard
- You Have Your WayBen Howard
- Metaphysical CantationsBen Howard
- RookeryBen Howard
- Sage That She Was BurningBen Howard
- Sorry KidBen Howard
- What A DayBen Howard
- The WolvesBen Howard
- Only LoveBen Howard
- Keep Your Head UpBen Howard
- BonesBen Howard
- Under The Same SunBen Howard
- Black FliesBen Howard
- Depth Over DistanceBen Howard
- Old PineBen Howard
- Towing The LineBen Howard
- A Boat To An Island On The WallBen Howard