Informations about the album Pimpin Ain’t Eazy by SahBabii
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of SahBabii new album, entitled Pimpin Ain’t Eazy.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Squidtastic / SANDAS / SANDAS (Mixtape Version) / Barnacles.
The album is composed by 21 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Sahbabii may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Can't Handle It
- Bounce Break Yo Back (Unreleased)
- Kickin Lit (Skit) (Unreleased)
- Touch Yo Toes
- Yeen Gotta Be Shy (Unreleased)
- Fried Ducks (Unreleased)
- Shout Out to da Flam (Unreleased)
- Marta Chick (Unreleased)
- Intro (Pimpin Ain't Eazy) (Unreleased)
- Take Wuts Mines (Unreleased)
- Don't Throw It Away
- Rodeo (Twerk/Stripper Anthem) (Unreleased)
- Ready or You Not (Unreleased)
- In Love wit a Check (Unreleased)
- Fukkin wit My Pimpin (Unreleased)
- Pimpin Ain't Eazy (Unreleased)
- Known in the City (Unreleased)
- Hol Uhp (Unreleased)
- Slap Deyt Hoe (Unreleased)
- Bans Bands (Unreleased)
- Outro (Pimpin Ain't Eazy) (Unreleased)
If you are fan of Sahbabii you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Sahbabii
- ThrillaSahbabii
- Purple UmbrellaSahbabii
- BarnaclesSahbabii
- RacistSahbabii
- Ready To EatSahbabii
- House PartySahbabii
- Tongue DemonSahbabii
- Double DickSahbabii
- Pull Up Wit Ah StickSahbabii
- Only Knew 1 WaySahbabii
- TonightSahbabii
- Honey BeesSahbabii
- SquidrificSahbabii
- TallSahbabii
- SylvanSahbabii
- Aunt PatSahbabii
- Sunny DaysSahbabii
- BoyfriendSahbabii
- ArmySahbabii
- Behind Da ScenesSahbabii