Informations about the album Contradicziones by ZPU
ZPU finally released Sunday 2 February 2025 his new music album, entitled Contradicziones.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: He Tenido Un Sueño / Yo Soy El Cambio (Directo) / Doce lunas.
The list of 17 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Zpu. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Ángel Guardián
- Deslizamiento
- Sin saber (Mierda)
- El Silencio de Dios
- Decorado
- Qué Sabrán Ellos
- Humo
- Sobran las Palabras
- Contradicziones
- Infamia
- Tranqui
- Mamá Me Dijo
- Dulce Otoño
- Yo soy un soldado
- Una de Esas
- David Contra Goliat
- De 4 en 4