Informations about the album Performance and Cocktails by Stereophonics
We are going to show you the latest album by Stereophonics entitled Performance and Cocktails. The album has been released on Monday 8 March 1999.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Kind / Scream Above The Sounds / You Gotta Go There to Come Back / Just Enough Education to Perform / Decade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics / Language. Sex. Violence. Other? / Keep the Village Alive / Kind (Deluxe).
The album is composed by 13 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Stereophonics. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- The Bartender And The Thief
- Just Looking
- She Takes Her Clothes Off
- Half The Lies You Tell Ain't True
- Is Yesterday, Tomorrow, Today?
- Hurry Up And Wait
- Roll Up & Shine
- Plastic California
- I Stopped To Fill My Car Up
- A Minute Longer
- T-Shirt Sun Tan
- Pick a Part That’s New
- I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio
If you are fan of Stereophonics you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Stereophonics
- I’m AlrightStereophonics
- I Wanna Get Lost With YouStereophonics
- My Own Worst EnemyStereophonics
- Have A Nice DayStereophonics
- DakotaStereophonics
- You’re My StarStereophonics
- AngieStereophonics
- Hungover For YouStereophonics
- GetawayStereophonics
- Step On My Old Size NinesStereophonics
- Lying In The SunStereophonics
- JealousyStereophonics
- I Just Wanted The GoodsStereophonics
- Maybe TomorrowStereophonics
- Breaking DawnStereophonics
- Drive A Thousand MilesStereophonics
- Never Going DownStereophonics
- ElevatorsStereophonics
- Boy On A BikeStereophonics
- Cryin' In Your BeerStereophonics