Informations about the album PDG Gawrosz by Shellerini
Tuesday 30 November 2010 is the date of the release of Shellerini new album, entitled PDG Gawrosz.
The album is composed by 17 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Shellerini that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Kokaina
- Sodowych lamp blask
- Element Zaskoczenia
- PDG Gawrosz
- Gra
- Do ostatniej kropli
- Źle W Głowach
- Mechanizm Bragga
- Alkohol, Tyroń i Zapętlony Bit
- Ostatnie Pokolenie
- Wydycham niepokój
- Intro
- Z tymi, co niegdyś
- Paręset słów
- Wstań i idź
- W moich oczach
- Kraina zwichniętej wyobraźni