Informations about the album Pusselbitar by Timbuktu
We are going to show you the latest album by Timbuktu entitled Pusselbitar. The album has been released on Friday 10 February 2012.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Botten Is Nådd / Alla Vill Till Himmelen Men Ingen Vill Dö.
The list of 32 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Timbuktu that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Resten av ditt liv
- Flickan Och Kråkan
- The Botten Is Nådd
- Dansa
- Känn pepp
- Kapitulera - feat. susanne sundfÿr
- Flunitrazepam
- Ett brev
- Allt grönt
- N.A.P
- Stirra ner
- Kejsaren e naken
- De luktar rök
- Dynamit
- Karmakontot
- Det löser sej
- Oavsett vad
- Pendelparanoia
- Välj Mej!
- Jag Drar
- Mörkar
- En High 5 & 1 Falafel
- Bra, Bra
- Kärlekens bandvagn
- Ta de lugnt
- Strö lite socker på mig
- Lika Barn Avvika Bäst Del 2
- I väntan på vadå
- Fallskärm
- Gott Folk
- Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö