Informations about the album På Sådan En Morgen (de 20 skønneste) by Lis Sørensen
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Lis Sørensen new album, entitled På Sådan En Morgen (de 20 skønneste).
The album is composed by 0 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
If you are fan of Lis Sørensen you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
- 2019/11/01 20:00 - Fuglsøcentret - Knebel ( Danimarca)
- 2020/02/01 20:00 - Gram Slot - Den Holstenske Lade (Italia)
- 2020/03/06 20:00 - Portalen - Greve ( Danimarca)
- 2/08/2025 - Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport - Kastrup (Danimarca)
- 1/02/2025 - Det Kgl. Teater, Gamle Scene - København K (Danimarca)
- 1/02/2025 - Det Kgl. Teater, Gamle Scene - København K (Danimarca)
- 2/02/2025 - MCH Herning Kongrescenter - Herning (Danimarca)
- 2/02/2025 - MCH Herning Kongrescenter - Herning (Danimarca)
- 2/02/2025 - STUBhuset - Støvring (Danimarca)
- 2/02/2025 - Tønder Kulturhus - Tønder (Danimarca)
- 2/02/2025 - Tønder Kulturhus - Tønder (Danimarca)
- 0/03/2025 - Portalen - Greve (Danimarca)