Informations about the album by Dardan
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Dardan new album, entitled .
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: SORRY... / Soko Disko / Soko Disko / MISTER DARDY.
The list of 0 songs that compose the album is here:
If you don't want to miss the live Dardan concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2020/01/25 20:00 - Flex - Vienna ( Austria)
- 2020/01/26 20:00 - Löwensaal - Nürnberg ( Germania)
- 2020/01/27 20:00 - Essigfabrik - Cologne ( Germania)
- 2020/01/29 20:00 - Astra Kulturhaus - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2020/01/30 20:00 - Capitol - Hannover ( Germania)
- 2020/02/01 20:00 - Grosse Freiheit 36 - Hamburg ( Germania)
- 2020/02/02 20:00 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 2020/02/03 20:00 - Backstage - München ( Germania)
- 2020/02/04 20:00 - Täubchenthal - Leipzig ( Germania)
- 2020/02/05 20:00 - LKA Longhorn - Stuttgart ( Germania)
- 2020/02/06 20:00 - Turbinenhalle - Oberhausen ( Germania)
Some lyrics and translations of Dardan
- Vija VijaDardan
- Ka JeDardan
- Ma BaeDardan
- AmigaDardan
- PaparazziDardan
- Flug 93Dardan
- FavelaDardan
- VieleDardan
- Wie Lang?????????Dardan
- Wir Lieben ParaDardan
- DivaDardan
- D A Yyy T O N ADardan
- Das Magazin Ist FullDardan
- Para Money/nenn Mich Nicht BroDardan
- Weil Ich Albaner BinDardan
- Ich Bin OnlineDardan
- FlexenDardan
- BendoDardan
- MakinaDardan
- Daytona*Dardan