Informations about the album Head In The Clouds II by 88rising & Niki
![88rising & Niki](
Friday 11 October 2019 is the date of the release of 88rising & Niki new album, entitled Head In The Clouds II.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by 88rising & Niki. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Gold Coast by 88rising & Rich Brian
- 2 The Face by 88rising, Rich Brian & Higher Brothers
- Walking by 88rising, Joji & Jackson Wang
- Need Is Your Love by 88rising, Joji & GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE
- Tequila Sunrise by 88rising, Jackson Wang & Higher Brothers
- Hold Me Down by 88rising & Higher Brothers
- Calculator by 88rising, AUGUST 08 & Barney Bones
- These Nights by 88rising, Rich Brian & CHUNG HA
- La La Lost You by 88rising & NIKI
- I Love You 3000 II by 88rising, Stephanie Poetri & Jackson Wang
- Strange Land by 88rising, NIKI & Phum Viphurit
- Hopscotch by 88rising, AUGUST 08 & Joji
- Shouldn't Couldn't Wouldn't by 88rising, NIKI & Rich Brian