Nobel Lectures - Gabriel Lippmann album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Gabriel Lippmann new album, entitled Nobel Lectures.

Informations about the album Nobel Lectures by Gabriel Lippmann

This is the list of 188 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Gabriel Lippmann may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1935): The Organizer-Effect in Embryonic Development (Spemann)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1939): Award Ceremony Speech (Sillanpää)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1912): Banquet Speech (Hauptmann)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1901): the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him (Röntgen, presentation speech)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1909): Banquet Speech (Lagerlöf)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1975): Is Poetry Still Possible? (Montale)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1906): investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1909): On Catalysis (Ostwald)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1948): Banquet Speech (Eliot)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1993): Toni Morrison
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1920): A Contribution to the Physiology of the Capillaries (Krogh)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1971): Towards the Splendid City (Neruda)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1903):The Progress and Advantages of International Arbitration (Cremer)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2001): Two Worlds (Naipaul)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1992): The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory (Walcott)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1956): Banquet Speech (Jiménez)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1921): Banquet Speech (France)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1923): The Irish Dramatic Movement (Yeats)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1947): The Role of the Hypophysis in Carbohydrate Metabolism and in Diabetes (Houssay)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1910): Presentation Speech (Heyse)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1946): Banquet Speech (Hesse)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1905): Banquet Speech (Sienkiewicz)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1902): The Development of the Hague Conventions of July 29, 1899 (Gobat)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1915): Presentation (Rolland)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1902): Researches on malaria (Ross; Banquet speech)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1906): The structure and connexions of neurons (Cajal)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1936): The Chemical Transmission of Nerve Action (Loewi)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1997): Contra Jogulatores Obloquentes (Fo)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1955): Banquet Speech (Laxness)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1947): Banquet Speech (Gide)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1913): Anaphylaxis (Richet)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1929): The Earlier History of Vitamin Research (Hopkins)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1902): The Theory of Electrons and the Propagation of Light (Lorentz)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1936): Banquet Speech (O'Neill)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1909): Concerning Pathological Manifestations in Low-Grade Thyroid Diseases (Kocher)
  • Index of Nobel Lectures
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1922): The Mechanism of Muscular Contraction (Hill)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2014): Nobel Lecture (Modiano)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1911): Banquet Speech (Maeterlinck)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1944): International Committee of the Red Cross, Award Ceremony Speech
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1961): Banquet Speech (Andric)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1919): Structural and Spectral Changes of Chemical Atoms (Stark)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1966): The Challenge to Man of the Neoplastic Cell (Rous)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1932): Award Ceremony Speech (Galsworthy)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1936): Unsolved Problems in Physics: Tasks for the Immediate Future in Cosmic Ray Studies (Hess)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1936): Some Recent Extensions of the Chemical Transmission of the Effects of Nerve Impulses (Dale)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1949): The Central Control of the Activity of Internal Organs (Hess)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1930): The American Fear of Literature (Lewis)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2012): Storytellers (Yan)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1926): Award Ceremony Speech (Deledda)
  • Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (1999): Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1904): The Rare Gases of the Atmosphere (Ramsay)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2006): My Father's Suitcase (Pamuk)
  • 1954 Nobel Acceptance Speech
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1978): Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1907): Protozoa as Causes of Diseases (Laveran)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1986): This Past Must Address Its Present (Soyinka)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1994): Japan, The Ambiguous, and Myself (Oe)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1917): Presentation (Gjellerup)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1911): Radium and the New Concepts in Chemistry (Curie)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1974): The Coming Age of the Cell (Claude)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1904):The Work of the Institute of International Law (Institute of International Law)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2002) Heureka! (Kertész)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2005): Art, Truth & Politics (Pinter)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1929): Antineuritic Vitamin and Beriberi (Eijkman)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1922): Banquet Speech (Benavente)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1959): The Poet and the Politician (Quasimodo)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1923): Quantitative Micro-Analysis of Organic Substances (Pregl)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1932): The Activity of the Nerve Fibres (Adrian)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1910): The Chemical Composition of the Cell Nucleus (Kossel)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1938): The Chinese Novel (Buck)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1960): Immunological Tolerance (Medawar)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1958): Announcement (Pasternak)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1962): On the Genetic Code (Crick)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1929): Banquet Speech (Mann)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1928): Banquet Speech (Undset)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1908): Partial Cell Functions (Ehrlich)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1938):for his work on carotenoids and vitamins (Kuhn, presentation speech)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1927): Banquet Speech (Bergson)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1973): Banquet Speech (White)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1979): Nobel Lecture (Elytis)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1950): What Desires Are Politically Important? (Russell)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1905): work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds (Presentation Speech; von Baeyer)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1956): The Role of Heart Catheterization and Angiocardiography in the Development of Modern Medicine (Forssma
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1969): Award Ceremony Speech (Beckett)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1958): A Case History in Biological Research (Tatum)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1933): Banquet Speech (Bunin)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1977): Nobel Lecture (Aleixandre)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2008): In the forest of paradoxes (Gustave Le Clézio)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1932): Inhibition as a Coordinative Factor (Sherrington)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1934): Banquet Speech (Pirandello)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1913): Banquet Speech (Tagore)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1952): Banquet Speech (Mauriac)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1923): Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity (Einstein)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1934): Pernicious Anemia (Murphy)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1935): Artificial Production of Radioactive Elements (Joliot-Curie)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2007): On not winning the Nobel Prize (Lessing)
  • Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (2014): Malala Yousafzai
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1983): Nobel Lecture (Golding)
  • Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (1964) - The Quest for Peace and Justice (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1957): Banquet Speech (Camus)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1945): Penicillin (Fleming)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2004): Sidelined (Jelinek)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1901): Osmotic pressure and chemical equilibrium (Hoff)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1966): Banquet Speech (Sachs)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1967): The Latin American Novel - Testimony of an Epoch (Asturias)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1980): Nobel Lecture (Milosz)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1925): Award Ceremony Speech (Shaw)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1951): The Development of Vaccines against Yellow Fever (Theiler)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1951): Banquet Speech (Lagerkvist)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1970): Nobel Lecture (Solzhenitsyn)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1934): The Development of Liver Therapy in Pernicious Anemia (Minot)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1908): The Chemical Nature of the Alpha Particles from Radioactive Substances (Rutherford)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1924): Presentation (Reymont)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1966): Banquet Speech (Agnon)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1998): How Characters Became the Masters and the Author Their Apprentice (Saramago)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1931): Award Ceremony Speech (Karlfeldt)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2003): He and His Man (Coetzee)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1945): Banquet Speech (Mistral)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1972): An Essay on the Reason of Poetry (Böll)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1939): For his work on sex hormones (Butenandt, presentation speech)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1985): Nobel Lecture (Simon)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1996): The Poet and the World (Szymborska)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1987): Nobel Lecture (Brodsky)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2013): Alice Munro: In her Own Words (Munro)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1927):The Treatment of Dementia Paralytica by Malaria Inoculation (Wagner-Jauregg)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1906): Award Ceremony Speech (Carducci)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1944): Banquet Speech (Jensen)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1906): International Peace (Roosevelt)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1969): A Physicist's Renewed Look at Biology – Twenty Years Later (Delbrück)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1918): The Genesis and Present State of Development of the Quantum Theory (Planck)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1912): Suture of Blood-Vessels and Transplantation of Organs (Carrel)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1963): Some Notes on Modern Greek Tradition (Seferis)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1904): Physiology of Digestion (Pavlov)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1928): Investigations on Typhus (Nicolle)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1956): The Contributions of Right Heart Catheterization to Physiology and Medicine, with Some Observations on
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1920): Banquet Speech (Hamsun)
  • Nobel Price in Physiology or Medicine (1903): Award Ceremony Speech (Professor the Count K.A.H. Mörner for Niels Finsen)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1923): Diabetes and Insulin (Banting)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1908): On the Present State of the Question of Immunity in Infectious Diseases (Mechnikov)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1914): Some New Methods for Functional Testing of the Vestibular Apparatus and the Cerebellum (Bárány)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1990): In Search of the Present (Paz)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1982): The Solitude of Latin America (Márquez)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1919): Presentation Speech (Spitteler)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1905): The Evolution of the Peace Movement (von Suttner)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1965): Banquet Speech (Sholokhov)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2009): Every word knows something of a vicious circle (Müller)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1923): The Physiology of Insulin and Its Source in the Animal Body (Macleod)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1991): Writing and Being (Gordimer)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1902): Award Ceremony Speech (Mommsen)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1944): recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei' (Rabi, Award Ceremony Speech)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1988): Nobel Lecture (Mahfouz)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1907): Award Ceremony Speech (Kipling)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1953): Banquet Speech (Churchill)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2000): The Case for Literature (Xingjian)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1984): On the Pathetic and Lyrical State of Mind (Seifert)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1903): Banquet Speech (Bjørnson)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1902): The Futility of War Demonstrated by History (Ducommun)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1926): Colour Photography (Perrin)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1946): The Production of Mutations (Muller)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1906): The neuron doctrine - theory and facts (Golgi)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1989): Eulogy to the Fable (Cela)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1905): The Current State of the Struggle against Tuberculosis (Koch)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1908): invention of automatic regulators (Dalén, Award Ceremony Speech)
  • Nobel Peace Prize (1901): The Occasion of the First Award (Dunant, Passy)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1995): Crediting Poetry (Heaney)
  • Nobel Prize Lecture in Literature (2017)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1901): Award Ceremony Speech (Prudhomme)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1974): Banquet Speech (Johnson)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1914): Atomic Weights (Richards)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1965): Interaction among Virus, Cell, and Organism (Lwoff)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1975): From the Molecular Biology of Oncogenic DNA Viruses to Cancer
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1960): Banquet Speech (Perse)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1968): Japan, the Beautiful and Myself (Kawabata)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1911): On the Laws of Thermal Radiation (Wien)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1904): Award Ceremony Speech (Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1902): Light Radiation in a Magnetic Field (Zeeman)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2015): On the Battle Lost (Alexievich)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1912): The Method of Direct Hydrogenation by Catalysis (Sabatier)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1908): Naturalism or Idealism? (Eucken)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1937): Banquet Speech (Martin du Gard)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physics (1937): Electronic Waves (Thompson)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (2011): A Programme of Texts by Tomas Tranströmer (Tranströmer)
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1901): Serum Therapy in Therapeutics and Medical Science (von Behring)
  • Nobel Lecture in Literature (1916): Presentation (von Heidenstam)
  • Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (1993): Nelson Mandela
  • Nobel Lecture in Physiology or Medicine (1986): The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty Five Years Later (Levi-Montalcini)
  • Nobel Lecture in Chemistry (1902): Syntheses in the purine and sugar group (Fischer)

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