Informations about the album Music of the Sun by Rihanna
Friday 19 August 2005 is the date of the release of Rihanna new album, entitled Music of the Sun.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Good Girl Gone Bad / Unapologetic / A Girl Like Me / Talk That Talk (Deluxe Edition) / Loud / Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded / ANTi / Rated R / Talk That Talk / Good Girl Gone Bad (Japanese Deluxe Edition) / Unreleased Songs / Music of the Sun (UK Edition).
The album is composed by 14 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Rihanna may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- There's a Thug In My Life
- If It's Lovin' That You Want
- The Last Time
- You Don't Love Me
- Hypnotized
- Now I Know
- Willing to Wait
- Music of the Sun
- Pon de Replay
- Rush
- Should I?
- That La, La, La
- Here I Go Again
- Let Me
Some lyrics and translations of Rihanna
- Fire BombRihanna
- G4lRihanna
- Watch N’ LearnRihanna
- SkinRihanna
- DesperadoRihanna
- WooRihanna
- Take A BowRihanna
- Crazy Little Thing Called LoveRihanna
- California King BedRihanna
- Do Ya ThangRihanna
- Pon De ReplayRihanna
- Birthday CakeRihanna
- CryRihanna
- Russian RouletteRihanna
- FarewellRihanna
- Roc Me OutRihanna
- SledgehammerRihanna
- PoseRihanna
- Half Of MeRihanna
- Lost In ParadiseRihanna