Translations of Foreign Songs in English and Lyrics -

Mundo a Descobrir - Scracho album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Mundo a Descobrir by Scracho

We are going to show you the latest album by Scracho entitled Mundo a Descobrir. The album has been released on Tuesday 30 November 2010.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Scracho may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
  • A seu tempo
  • Não demora
  • Som sincero
  • Tragédia dos comuns
  • Lado bê
  • Vida que segue
  • Incompleto
  • #tudobem
  • Sala de jantar
  • Bem-te-vi
  • Passa e fica

Some lyrics and translations of Scracho