Informations about the album M.O.T.A. by Cultura Profética
Tuesday 11 October 2005 is the date of the release of Cultura Profética new album, entitled M.O.T.A..
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Sobrevolando / La Dulzura.
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Cultura Profética. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- La noche vibra
- Ritmo Que Pesa
- Revolucion en estereo
- Momento De Ocio III
- Yavida
- No me interesa
- Canto en la prisión
- Que tiempo se vive
- Sube el humo
- Lo de mas
- Que sera?
- Un Deseo
- Nadie se atreve
- Momento de ocio i
- Desde mi silla
Some lyrics and translations of Cultura Profética
- IlegalCultura Profética
- Ritmo Que PesaCultura Profética
- La EsperaCultura Profética
- Cancion DespojoCultura Profética
- Love And HappinessCultura Profética
- La ComplicidadCultura Profética
- Llevarte AhíCultura Profética
- Creo En Tu CarneCultura Profética
- CaracolesCultura Profética
- La Fibra HumanaCultura Profética
- Despertador SolarCultura Profética
- Efecto DominóCultura Profética
- SobrevolandoCultura Profética