Informations about the album MOONRISE by DAY6

Friday 28 March 2025 is the date of the release of DAY6 new album, entitled MOONRISE.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: THE BEST DAY / The Book of Us: The Demon.
This is the list of 17 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Day6. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- 누군가 필요해 (I Need Somebody)
- 좋아합니다 (I Like You)
- 쏟아진다 (Pouring)
- 버릇이 됐어 (Habits) (Final Ver.) (CD ONLY)
- Be Lazy
- Hi Hello
- 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone)
- 노력해볼게요 (I'll Try)
- 놀래! (Whatever!)
- I Loved You
- 혼자야 (All Alone)
- 좋은걸 뭐 어떡해 (What Can I Do?)
- Colors (Final Ver.) (CD ONLY)
- 이상하게 계속 이래 (Out Of My Mind) (Final Ver.) (CD ONLY)
- 태양처럼 (Like That Sun) (Final Ver.) (CD ONLY)
- I'll Remember (남겨둘게)
- Free하게 (Freely) (Final Ver.) (CD ONLY)