Informations about the album The Soul Cages by Sting
Friday 30 November 1990 is the date of the release of Sting new album, entitled The Soul Cages.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Ten Summoner’s Tales / 44/876 / ...Nothing Like the Sun / Brand New Day / The Dream of the Blue Turtles / Bring On The Night / 57th & 9th / Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984–1994 / The Last Ship / ...Nada como el sol / Live from the Labyrinth / ...All This Time / My Songs / Sacred Love / If on a Winter’s Night... / Mercury Falling / Duets / At the Movies.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Sting. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Why Should I Cry For You?
- Muoio Per Te
- The Wild Wild Sea
- Jeremiah Blues
- Island Of Souls
- The Soul Cages
- Mad About You
- Saint Agnes and the Burning Train
- Vengo del sur
- When The Angels Fall
- All This Time
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Sting:
- 2019/10/18 20:00 - ACCORHOTELS ARENA - Paris ( Francia)
- 2019/10/19 20:00 - ZENITH D'ORLEANS - Orléans ( Francia)
- 2019/10/20 20:00 - ZENITH ARENA LILLE - Lille ( Francia)
- 2019/10/22 20:00 - ARKEA ARENA - Floirac ( Francia)
- 2019/10/23 20:00 - ZENITH NANTES METROPOLE - ( Francia)
- 2019/10/25 20:00 - HALLE TONY GARNIER - Lyon ( Francia)
- 2019/10/26 20:00 - PALAIS NIKAIA DE NICE - Nice ( Francia)
- 2019/10/28 20:00 - SUMMUM - Grenoble ( Francia)
- 2019/10/29 20:00 - Mediolanum Forum - Assago (Italia)
- 2/07/2025 - Parco della Cittadella - Parma (Italia)
- 2/07/2025 - Parco della Cittadella - Parma (Italia)
- 2/07/2025 - Parco della Cittadella - Parma (Italia)
- 2/10/2025 - Pala Alpitour - Torino (Italia)
Some lyrics and translations of Sting
- Heavy Cloud No RainSting
- Someone To Watch Over MeSting
- I Burn For YouSting
- Ocean WaltzSting
- Seven DaysSting
- Cold SongSting
- Lullaby For An Anxious ChildSting
- Practical ArrangementSting
- Gabriel’s MessageSting
- The Coventry CarolSting
- The Hounds Of WinterSting
- Now Winter Comes SlowlySting
- Whenever I Say Your NameSting
- Message In A BottleSting
- The Night The Pugilist Learned How To DanceSting
- FragilidadSting
- The Last ShipSting
- I Love Her But She Loves Someone ElseSting
- Love Is The Seventh WaveSting
- When We DanceSting