Informations about the album Coolaid by Snoop Dogg
We are going to show you the latest album by Snoop Dogg entitled Coolaid. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: I Wanna Thank Me / Paid Tha Cost To Be Da Bo$$ / Tha Blue Carpet Treatment Mixtape / Dead Man Walkin / Stoner’s EP / Ego Trippin’ / No Limit Top Dogg / R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta): The Masterpiece / Tha Blue Carpet Treatment / Da Game is to be Sold, Not to be Told / Smokefest Underground / Doggumentary / Doggystyle / Need For Speed: Underground 2 Soundtrack / Malice n Wonderland / The Best of Snoop Dogg / From tha Streets 2 tha Suites.
The list of 19 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Snoop Dogg may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Ten Toes Down
- Legend
- Side Piece
- Coolaid Man
- Light It Up
- Oh Na Na
- Let the Beat Drop (Celebrate)
- Super Crip
- Feel About Snoop
- Let Me See Em Up
- Revolution
- Two Or More
- Affiliated
- Got Those
- Double Tap
- My Carz
- What If
- Point Seen Money Gone
- Kush Ups
Some lyrics and translations of Snoop Dogg
- Ride OnSnoop Dogg
- Roaches In My AshtraySnoop Dogg
- Ride On / Caught Up!Snoop Dogg
- Upside DownSnoop Dogg
- Bo$$ PlayaSnoop Dogg
- SignsSnoop Dogg
- Riders On The StormSnoop Dogg
- Doggy Dogg WorldSnoop Dogg
- I Believe In YouSnoop Dogg
- Peer PressureSnoop Dogg
- Doggy Dogg ChristmasSnoop Dogg
- Let’s Get BlownSnoop Dogg
- Too BlackSnoop Dogg
- Picture ThisSnoop Dogg
- ImagineSnoop Dogg
- Drop It Like It’s HotSnoop Dogg
- Nipsey BlueSnoop Dogg
- 20 MinutesSnoop Dogg
- The One And OnlySnoop Dogg
- Sensual SeductionSnoop Dogg