Informations about the album Little Women (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 2019) by Alexandre Desplat
We are going to show you the latest album by Alexandre Desplat entitled Little Women (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 2019). The album has been released on Friday 13 December 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Grand Budapest Hotel: Original Soundtrack / The Golden Compass (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Argo (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Music from the Motion Picture) / Zero Dark Thirty (Original Soundtrack) / The Secret Life of Pets 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack).
The album is composed by 26 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Alexandre Desplat that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Father Comes Home
- Dance on the Porch
- The Beach
- Friedrich
- Christmas Breakfast
- Laurie and Jo on the Hill
- The Book
- Friedrich Dances with Jo
- Ice Skating
- Plumfield
- Jo Writes
- Little Women
- Carriage Ride
- Snow in the Garden
- Christmas Morning
- Amy, Fred, Meg & John
- Laurie
- The Letter
- Young Love
- Laurie Kisses Amy
- Telegram
- Dr March's Daughters
- Theatre in the Attic
- Meg's Dress
- Amy
- It's Romance
Some lyrics and translations of Alexandre Desplat
- Lily’s ThemeAlexandre Desplat
- Train ChaseAlexandre Desplat
- Northern TerritoriesAlexandre Desplat
- 21 DaysAlexandre Desplat
- Picket LinesAlexandre Desplat
- Sunrise On Lake PontchartrainAlexandre Desplat
- Love In MurmanskAlexandre Desplat
- Lot 117Alexandre Desplat
- The Alpine SudetenwaltzAlexandre Desplat
- Mr. MoustafaAlexandre Desplat