Informations about the album White Limozeen by Dolly Parton
We are going to show you the latest album by Dolly Parton entitled White Limozeen. The album has been released on Tuesday 30 May 1989.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: 9 to 5 and Odd Jobs / Jolene / In the Good Old Days (When Times Were Bad) / Here You Come Again / Joshua / Little Sparrow / The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas / For God And Country / New Harvest... First Gathering / 9 to 5: The Musical (Original Broadway Cast Recording) / The Great Pretender / A Holly Dolly Christmas / Dolly, Dolly, Dolly / The Fairest of Them All / Coat of Many Colors / Home For Christmas / Love Is Like a Butterfly / Rainbow / Treasures / All I Can Do / Dolly: The Seeker We Used To / Bubbling Over / Hello, I’m Dolly.
This is the list of 10 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Dolly Parton may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- He's Alive
- Slow Healing Heart
- Time for Me to Fly
- The Moon, the Stars, and Me
- White Limozeen
- What Is It My Love
- Wait 'Til I Get You Home
- Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That
- Take Me Back to the Country
- Yellow Roses
Some lyrics and translations of Dolly Parton
- The Company You KeepDolly Parton
- Sometimes And Old Memory Gets In My EyeDolly Parton
- The SeekerDolly Parton
- All I Can DoDolly Parton
- Always A WomanDolly Parton
- Before The Next Teardrop FallsDolly Parton
- Dump The DudeDolly Parton
- Winter Wonderland / Sleigh RideDolly Parton
- You Are My ChristmasDolly Parton
- Santa Claus Is Coming To TownDolly Parton
- I Still BelieveDolly Parton
- You AreDolly Parton
- Circle Of LoveDolly Parton
- Mary, Did You Know?Dolly Parton
- In The GhettoDolly Parton
- Highway Headin’ SouthDolly Parton
- First NoelDolly Parton
- Coat Of Many ColorsDolly Parton
- Holly Jolly ChristmasDolly Parton
- Down From DoverDolly Parton