Informations about the album Let It Be Me by Nina Simone
Sunday 30 November 1986 is the date of the release of Nina Simone new album, entitled Let It Be Me.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like I Put a Spell on You / Little Girl Blue / To Love Somebody / Here Comes the Sun / Nina Simone and Her Friends / Broadway-Blues-Ballads / Silk & Soul / ’Nuff Said! / Wild Is the Wind / Forbidden Fruit.
The list of 6 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Nina Simone that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Stars
- If You Knew / Let It Be Me
- Fodder on My Wings
- If You Pray Right
- Balm in Gilead
- Sugar In My Bowl
Some lyrics and translations of Nina Simone
- Gin House BluesNina Simone
- That’s All I AskNina Simone
- What More Can I SayNina Simone
- I Love Your Lovin’ WaysNina Simone
- I Put A Spell On YouNina Simone
- New World ComingNina Simone
- To Love SomebodyNina Simone
- Take Care Of BusinessNina Simone
- Golden Earrings - 2005 Remastered VersionNina Simone
- Strange FruitNina Simone
- BaltimoreNina Simone
- Here Comes The SunNina Simone
- Ain't Got No, I Got LifeNina Simone
- I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be FreeNina Simone
- Don't Let Me Be MisunderstoodNina Simone
- He Needs MeNina Simone
- He's Got The Whole World In His HandsNina Simone
- Just Like A WomanNina Simone
- I Shall Be ReleasedNina Simone
- SinnermanNina Simone