Informations about the album Nuthin’ Fancy by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Lynyrd Skynyrd new album, entitled Nuthin’ Fancy.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: pronounced ’leh-’nérd ’skin-’nérd / Second Helping / Street Survivors / Gimme Back My Bullets.
The album is composed by 8 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Lynyrd Skynyrd may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Railroad Song
- Cheatin' Woman
- Saturday Night Special
- On The Hunt (Live)
- Made in the Shade
- On the Hunt
- Whiskey Rock a Roller
- I'm a Country Boy
If you don't want to miss the live Lynyrd Skynyrd concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Workin’ For McaLynyrd Skynyrd
- The Needle And The SpoonLynyrd Skynyrd
- SearchingLynyrd Skynyrd
- All I Can Do Is Write About ItLynyrd Skynyrd
- What’s Your NameLynyrd Skynyrd
- Poison WhiskeyLynyrd Skynyrd
- Mississippi KidLynyrd Skynyrd
- Things Goin’ OnLynyrd Skynyrd
- Tuesday’s GoneLynyrd Skynyrd
- I Ain’t The OneLynyrd Skynyrd
- The Ballad Of Curtis LoewLynyrd Skynyrd
- Free BirdLynyrd Skynyrd
- Sweet Home AlabamaLynyrd Skynyrd
- Simple ManLynyrd Skynyrd
- Gimme Three StepsLynyrd Skynyrd