Informations about the album Le Code De l’Honneur by Rohff
We are going to show you the latest album by Rohff entitled Le Code De l’Honneur. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Surnaturel / La Cuenta / La Fierté des Nôtres / The Basement / Le Rohff Game / Le Code de l’Horreur / La Vie Avant la Mort.
This is the list of 12 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Rohff that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Apprends à vivre
- Du fond du cœur
- Galaxy
- Rohff vs L'État 2 (Opération Vendetta)
- Les nerfs à vif
- Catastrohff
- Intro
- Rohff vs L'État
- Appelle-moi Rohff
- J'm'en bats les couilles d'être une star
- Génération sacrifiée
- Skyrohff
Some lyrics and translations of Rohff
- #douxbailRohff
- SécuriséRohff
- Qui Est L’exemple ?Rohff
- Que Pour Les VraisRohff
- Bitch N'a Pas De CoeurRohff
- Ak 47 MonologueRohff
- Tous à L'abriRohff
- SoloRohff
- T’as Capté #tctRohff
- Top Of The WorldRohff
- Français 2.0Rohff
- Machine De GuerreRohff
- SouvenirsRohff
- Next LevelRohff
- La CuentaRohff
- Hors De PrixRohff
- SérieuxRohff
- Aime-moi à L'imparfaitRohff
- MeurtrierRohff
- À La ZonmaiRohff