Informations about the album Kesari by B Praak
We are going to show you the latest album by B Praak entitled Kesari. The album has been released on Monday 18 March 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Sufna / Daaka (Original motion picture soundtrack).
This is the list of 6 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by B Praak. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Teri Mitti by B Praak
- Ajj Singh Garjega by Jazzy B
- Sanu Kehndi by Romy and Brijesh Shandilya
- Ek Onkaar
- Deh Shiva
- Ve Maahi by Arijit Singh & Asees Kaur
Some lyrics and translations of B Praak
- Baarish Ki JaayeB Praak
- MazaaB Praak
- Maana DilB Praak
- Qubool A Lyrics | Sufna | Ammy Virk | Tania | Hashmat Sultana | B Praak | Jaani - Hashmat SultanaB Praak
- Nain TereB Praak
- Maan BharyaB Praak
- Kyon Lyrics|b Praak|payal Dev|new Hindi Song 2020B Praak
- B Praak - Dil Tod Ke LyricsB Praak
- FilhallB Praak
- Koi Aaye Na RabbaB Praak
- Kuch Bhi Ho JayeB Praak
- JannatB Praak