Informations about the album Зеркало души (The Mirror of the Soul) by Алла Пугачёва (Alla Pugacheva)

Saturday 8 March 2025 is the date of the release of Алла Пугачёва (Alla Pugacheva) new album, entitled Зеркало души (The Mirror of the Soul).
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Да! (Yes!) / Ах, Как Хочется Жить (Oh, How I Want To Live) / ...Счастья В Личной Жизни! (...Happiness In Your Personal Life!).
The list of 14 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Алла Пугачёва may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Песенка Про Меня (Song About Me)
- Полно Вокруг Мудрецов (Full Of Sages Around)
- Куда Уходит Детство (Where Does Childhood Go)
- Мы Не Любим Друг Друга (We Don't Love Each Other)
- Приезжай (Come)
- Женщина, Которая Поет (The Woman Who Sings)
- Если И Долго Мучиться (If And Long Suffer)
- Бубен Шамана (Shaman's Tambourine)
- Найди Себе Друга (Find A Friend)
- До Свиданья, Лето (Goodbye, Summer)
- Волшебник-Недоучка (The Half-Educated Wizard)
- Все Могут Короли (Kings Can Do Everything)
- Верю В Тебя (Believe In You)
- Любовь Одна Виновата (Love Alone Is To Blame)