Informations about the album In the Zone by Britney Spears
Wednesday 12 November 2003 is the date of the release of Britney Spears new album, entitled In the Zone.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: ...Baby One More Time / Platinum Christmas / Blackout / Oops!... I Did It Again / Glory / Britney - The Singles Collection (Deluxe Version) / Femme Fatale / Britney / Circus.
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Britney Spears. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Toxic
- Everytime
- The Answer
- Breathe on Me
- Brave New Girl
- The Hook Up
- Outrageous
- I Got That
- Shadow
- Showdown
- Don't Hang Up
- Girls & Boys
- Early Mornin'
- Touch of My Hand
- Me Against the Music
Some lyrics and translations of Britney Spears
- Till The World EndsBritney Spears
- WomanizerBritney Spears
- Hold It Against MeBritney Spears
- StrongerBritney Spears
- MatchesBritney Spears
- Swimming In The StarsBritney Spears
- Gimme MoreBritney Spears
- Don’t Let Me Be The Last To KnowBritney Spears
- BoysBritney Spears
- CriminalBritney Spears
- Mona LisaBritney Spears
- Mood Ring [pride Remix]Britney Spears
- Break The IceBritney Spears
- Mood RingBritney Spears
- Slumber PartyBritney Spears
- Make Me...Britney Spears
- The AnswerBritney Spears
- EverytimeBritney Spears
- When Your Eyes Say ItBritney Spears
- Oops!... I Did It AgainBritney Spears