Informations about the album Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits
We are going to show you the latest album by Dire Straits entitled Brothers in Arms. The album has been released on Monday 13 May 1985.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Dire Straits / Making Movies / Communiqué / ExtendedancEPlay / On Every Street / Love Over Gold.
The album is composed by 9 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Dire Straits may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Walk of Life
- Money for Nothing
- Your Latest Trick
- Brothers in Arms
- The Man's Too Strong
- One World
- So Far Away
- Why Worry?
- Ride Across the River
Some lyrics and translations of Dire Straits
- My PartiesDire Straits
- You And Your FriendDire Straits
- Wild West EndDire Straits
- LionsDire Straits
- Solid RockDire Straits
- Calling ElvisDire Straits
- Industrial DiseaseDire Straits
- Private InvestigationsDire Straits
- Ticket To HeavenDire Straits
- Lady WriterDire Straits
- Iron HandDire Straits
- Les BoysDire Straits
- On Every StreetDire Straits
- In The GalleryDire Straits
- Twisting By The PoolDire Straits
- CommuniquéDire Straits
- Tunnel Of LoveDire Straits
- Romeo And JulietDire Straits
- Sultans Of SwingDire Straits