Informations about the album Nine Track Mind Deluxe by Charlie Puth
Friday 29 January 2016 is the date of the release of Charlie Puth new album, entitled Nine Track Mind Deluxe.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The One and Only Ivan (Original Soundtrack Score).
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Charlie Puth that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Nothing But Trouble
- Up All Night
- As You Are
- Then There's You
- Marvin Gaye
- Suffer
- We Don't Talk Anymore
- Losing My Mind
- My Gospel
- Left Right Left
- One Call Away
- Some Type of Love
- Dangerously
- River
- Does It Feel
Some lyrics and translations of Charlie Puth
- Some Type Of LoveCharlie Puth
- See You AgainCharlie Puth
- FreeCharlie Puth
- Not A Good Time*Charlie Puth
- GirlfriendCharlie Puth
- Marvin GayeCharlie Puth
- As You AreCharlie Puth
- Nothing But TroubleCharlie Puth
- Up All NightCharlie Puth
- SufferCharlie Puth
- Cheating On YouCharlie Puth
- MotherCharlie Puth
- Bad HabitCharlie Puth
- I Warned MyselfCharlie Puth
- We Don't Talk AnymoreCharlie Puth
- The Way I AmCharlie Puth
- ChangeCharlie Puth
- Done For MeCharlie Puth
- If You Leave Me NowCharlie Puth
- How LongCharlie Puth