Informations about the album Louise Attaque by Louise Attaque
Saturday 30 November 1996 is the date of the release of Louise Attaque new album, entitled Louise Attaque.
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Louise Attaque that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- J't'emmène au vent
- Les Nuits parisiennes
- L'Imposture
- Fatigante
- Vous avez l'heure ?
- Amours
- Arrache-Moi
- Savoir
- Ton invitation
- La brune
- Attache-moi
- Tes yeux se moquent
- Cracher nos souhaits
- Léa
- Toute cette histoire