Informations about the album Humble Beast (Deluxe Edition) by G Herbo
We are going to show you the latest album by G Herbo entitled Humble Beast (Deluxe Edition). The album has been released on Friday 16 February 2018.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Welcome To FazoLand / PTSD / Sessions / PTSD (Deluxe).
The list of 26 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that G Herbo may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Never Cared
- 4 Nem
- Lil Gangbangin Ass
- How Could U Hate Me
- Everything
- Shook
- Red Snow
- Black
- This n That
- I Like
- 4 Minutes of Hell Part 5
- Malcolm
- Sins
- No Depression
- Done for Me
- My Way
- Man Now
- Head Right
- Street
- No Way Out
- Crown
- All Day
- Ride
- Bi Polar
- Trials
- Mirror
Some lyrics and translations of G Herbo
- Break YoselfG Herbo
- StatementG Herbo
- At NightG Herbo
- 4am To 8amG Herbo
- Just A NiggaG Herbo
- Lil RideG Herbo
- TrenchesG Herbo
- Ridin Wit ItG Herbo
- High SchoolG Herbo
- OfngG Herbo
- Like ThisG Herbo
- SmokeG Herbo
- In A MinuteG Herbo
- Real OneG Herbo
- Spam 2 LambG Herbo
- Cap GunsG Herbo
- Friends & FoesG Herbo
- ShooterG Herbo
- High SpeedG Herbo
- GangbanginG Herbo