Informations about the album Hot Fuss by The Killers
Monday 7 June 2004 is the date of the release of The Killers new album, entitled Hot Fuss.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Day & Age / Sam’s Town / Don’t Waste Your Wishes / Imploding The Mirage / Battle Born / Wonderful Wonderful / Sawdust.
This is the list of 12 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by The Killers that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Everything Will Be Alright
- Mr. Brightside
- Somebody Told Me
- Jenny Was a Friend of Mine
- On Top
- All These Things That I've Done
- Believe Me Natalie
- Change Your Mind
- Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
- Andy, You're a Star
- Midnight Show
- Smile Like You Mean It
Some lyrics and translations of The Killers
- ¡happy Birthday Guadalupe!The Killers
- Tyson Vs DouglasThe Killers
- Heart Of A GirlThe Killers
- The Way It WasThe Killers
- Joseph, Better You Than MeThe Killers
- Leave The Bourbon On The ShelfThe Killers
- Be StillThe Killers
- RutThe Killers
- Life To ComeThe Killers
- Carry Me HomeThe Killers
- Battle BornThe Killers
- My Own Soul's WarningThe Killers
- Losing TouchThe Killers
- Fire In BoneThe Killers
- RunawaysThe Killers
- Sam's TownThe Killers
- Deadlines And CommitmentsThe Killers
- CautionThe Killers
- Tidal WaveThe Killers
- Don't Shoot Me SantaThe Killers