Informations about the album Hombre Lobo: 12 Songs of Desire by Eels
Eels finally released Tuesday 2 June 2009 his new music album, entitled Hombre Lobo: 12 Songs of Desire.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Meet the Eels: Essential Eels, Vol. 1 (1996–2006) / Shootenanny! / Electro-Shock Blues / Earth to Dora / Wonderful Glorious / Useless Trinkets B-sides, Soundtracks, Rarities and Unreleased 1996-2006 (Disc 2).
The list of 12 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Eels. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- What's a Fella Gotta Do
- Prizefighter
- Ordinary Man
- Beginner's Luck
- That Look You Give that Guy
- The Longing
- Lilac Breeze
- All the Beautiful Things
- Fresh Blood
- In My Dreams
- My Timing Is Off
- Tremendous Dynamite
Some lyrics and translations of Eels
- Theme From Blinking LightsEels
- Christmas Is Going To The DogsEels
- New AlphabetEels
- Are We Alright Again?Eels
- Anything For BooEels
- The Medication Is Wearing OffEels
- Love Of The LovelessEels
- Fresh FeelingEels
- It's A MotherfuckerEels
- Get Ur Freak OnEels
- Ordinary ManEels
- What's A Fella Gotta DoEels
- Beginner's LuckEels
- The DeconstructionEels