Informations about the album Hollywood by Bonez Mc
We are going to show you the latest album by Bonez Mc entitled Hollywood. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Hollywood Uncut.
The album is composed by 20 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Bonez Mc that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Hollywood Album Snippet
- Roadrunner
- Tilidin Weg
- Wild Wild West
- High (Snippet)
- Big Body Benz
- Zombie* (Unreleased)
- Gierig*
- Big Body Benz (Bonustrack)*
- Handschuhfach*
- Ihr Hobby
- Aww Johnny*
- Panik*
- Fuckst mich nur ab
- 187 Gang*
- Big Body Benz (ft. Masicka)*
- Papa ist in Hollywood* (Unreleased)
- Grabstein*
- Ihr Hobby (Snippet)
- Wild Wild West (Snippet)
Some lyrics and translations of Bonez Mc
- JetskiBonez Mc
- RaubüberfallBonez Mc
- SchlaganfallBonez Mc
- Single Wohnung AnthemBonez Mc
- Smartphone Im SeeBonez Mc
- Finger Voller RingeBonez Mc
- Gold In Der FresseBonez Mc
- Keep It RealBonez Mc
- PlaysiBonez Mc
- Bubble GumBonez Mc
- Banana ClipBonez Mc
- AngeklagtBonez Mc
- Hollywood UncutBonez Mc
- Niemals Unter 1000Bonez Mc
- HandschuhfachBonez Mc
- Aww JohnnyBonez Mc
- Papa Ist In HollywoodBonez Mc
- PanikBonez Mc
- Big Body Benz*Bonez Mc
- Nach PlanBonez Mc