Informations about the album Highest by Frenna
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Frenna new album, entitled Highest.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: ’t Album Onderweg Naar Het Album / ’t album onderweg naar ‘Het Album’ / Geen Oog Dichtgedaan / We Don’t Stop.
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Frenna that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Guestlist
- Nairobi (My Baby)
- Can't Play Us
- Come Thru
- Don't Say No
- Bend It Ova/Amazing
- YRN For Life
- Dragon Roll
- Dichtbij Me
- 10 Racks (Unreleased)
- Als Je Wist
- Maandag
- Only One
- See Me Ball
- FaceTime
Some lyrics and translations of Frenna
- VervloektFrenna
- My LoveFrenna
- Dwars Door De RegenFrenna
- This Your SongFrenna
- So NiceFrenna
- GoblinFrenna
- BlessingsFrenna
- Jongens Van De MavoFrenna
- Jij & Ik ForeverFrenna
- Money Deh YahFrenna
- VenusFrenna
- Mami So BadFrenna
- Bidden In De JeepFrenna
- Only YouFrenna
- Ghetto YouthFrenna
- Timer Tot TienFrenna
- AmigoFrenna
- RocksterFrenna
- DimeloFrenna
- Da VinciFrenna