Informations about the album High School Musical by High School Musical Cast
Friday 20 January 2006 is the date of the release of High School Musical Cast new album, entitled High School Musical.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like High School Musical 2 / High School Musical 2: Non-Stop Dance Party / High School Musical 3: Senior Year.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by High School Musical Cast. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- We're All in This Together
- Start of Something New
- Stick to the Status Quo
- Get'cha Head In the Game
- Breaking Free
- Bop to the Top
- What I've Been Looking For by Lucas Grabeel & Ashley Tisdale
- I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
- Get'cha Head in the Game by B5
- What I've Been Looking For
- When There Was Me and You by Vanessa Hudgens